A New Age: Divine Freedom & the Rise of a New Dawn

A New Age: Divine Freedom & the Rise of a New Dawn

Macpherson Kel

The Fallen’s Manipulation of Leadership and Human Control

For millennia, the “fallen” have acted as puppet masters behind the scenes of human leadership, manipulating power structures to keep humanity under their control. Using every tool of tyranny; fear, division, scarcity, and deception; they have entrenched themselves at the top of governments, institutions, and economies. What follows is an urgent exposé of their methods and an empowering look at how this dark influence is finally crumbling. Tick. Tock.

Hand-Picked Leaders and Puppet Governments

The fallen have long ensured that those in positions of power are either chosen by them or beholden to them. From monarchs to elected officials backed by shadowy patrons, world leaders often serve hidden agendas not in the public’s interest. In eras past, kings asserted they were ordained by The Divine and thus beyond question; a belief deliberately fostered to cement unquestionable authority (Under the doctrine of the “divine right of kings,” monarchs claimed to derive authority from God and not be accountable to any earthly institution). 

By controlling who sits on the throne or in the presidency, the fallen ensured policies of oppression continue no matter who wears the crown or title.

They also embed themselves in key institutions; militaries, churches, banks; forming an interlocking web of power. Acting through these proxies, they steer nations and empires. Just as a puppeteer’s hand animates a marionette, the fallen’s influence animates many leaders’ actions. 

Obedient figureheads are rewarded; truly independent voices are undermined or removed. In this way, entire governments become “puppet regimes” serving an invisible master, preventing humanity from truly governing itself.

Enslavement Through Fear and Division

Fear is the fallen’s weapon of choice for mass control. By keeping populations afraid; of enemies, of chaos, of each other; they justify authoritarian measures and discourage dissent. 

Historians and analysts have noted that stoking fear is a time-tested strategy: propagandists “raise fears that serve their agendas, create or deepen…echo chambers, divide people and set them upon each other, and paralyze or confuse public understanding”. In other words, frightening the public makes them easier to manipulate.

Under this fear-based control, people willingly surrender freedoms in exchange for promises of safety. Ruthless leaders have always understood this. 

(As Machiavelli famously observed, “it is safer to be feared than loved” – terror breeds obedience.) The fallen exploit that principle on a global scale. They manufacture threats or fan the flames of real crises to keep humanity in a constant state of anxiety. A populace trembling at danger is less likely to question authority or the official narrative.

Hand-in-hand with fear comes engineered division. The fallen divide and conquer the masses by turning us against each other. They accentuate lines of separation; race, religion, class, political ideology; to prevent unity. This tactic is as old as empire: sowing rivalry among the people “to prevent a rebellion against the elites…pitting the lower classes against themselves to prevent an evolution”. Whether through overt policies or subtle social conditioning, they foment mistrust and hatred so that humanity never stands united to challenge the broken system.

False Scarcity and Economic Strangleholds

Another pillar of control is artificial scarcity; deliberately creating the illusion that there isn’t enough for everyone. Despite living on a planet of abundance, we have been led to believe in perpetual lack : of resources, money, energy, food (even in ourselves as divine beings, we’re limitless in every area possible). This false scarcity keeps people in survival mode, scrambling for scraps under an fallen-controlled system. Poverty and hunger are not inevitable; they are engineered. In our modern economy, for example, enormous wealth exists alongside extreme deprivation because scarcity is used to concentrate power. 

Analysts note that capitalism itself “is born in conditions of scarcity and is unable to function outside of them…there is a tendency to restore these conditions artificially” during crises. In other words, when abundance threatens the puppet master’s grip, scarcity is manufactured; through market manipulation, hoarding, or destroying surplus; to keep humanity dependent.

By controlling the global flow of money and goods, the fallen impose a form of economic slavery. Debt is one such shackle; individuals and nations alike are kept in bondage to creditors. This practice dates back to ancient empires; “Debt slavery is an ancient institution…The borrower became the bonded servant of the lender; a condition that prevails today”. 

Today, people toil at jobs they hate simply to pay bills and debts, never accumulating enough savings or security to break free. Entire countries are trapped by loans and austerity dictated by banking elites. This false sense of lack saps humanity’s creativity and potential, as we are busy just trying to survive. It also breeds desperation and competition, further dividing society in the scramble for resources controlled at the top.

Suppression of Knowledge and Mass Deception

Knowledge is power; and so the fallen have always feared informed, educated populations. A crucial tactic of enslavement is suppressing truth and keeping the masses ignorant of anything that might set them free. History is rife with examples: regimes that burn books, ban teachings, or punish curiosity. 

Enslavers once made it illegal to teach slaves to read and write, explicitly because literacy would breed discontent. As abolitionist Frederick Douglass observed, a person enlightened by knowledge becomes “unfit to be a slave”. The fallen know this; thus they restrict education to the elite and promote propaganda for everyone else.

Control of information in the modern age is even more insidious. Media and culture are weaponized to create an illusory narrative about the world. From childhood, we are fed a version of reality that serves the status quo; often a web of lies or omissions. The fallen project illusions to keep humanity docile: illusions of powerlessness, of the inevitability of war and poverty, of their own benevolence. 

They have mastered psychological manipulation, using tools like mass media, entertainment, and now social networks to shape perceptions. In recent times this has been termed the “weaponization of public narratives”; flooding us with misinformation, distraction, and bias so that truth becomes hard to discern. When people are kept in the dark or lost in a maze of falsehoods, the fallen easily maintain authority as the self-proclaimed “experts” and “saviors” amid the confusion.

Censorship and secrecy go hand in hand with deception. Breakthrough discoveries; in energy, medicine, science; that could empower humanity are suppressed or co-opted. Unapproved ideas are ridiculed or silenced. Even those who sense the lies are often afraid to speak out, because the fallen make examples of dissidents. Whistleblowers are discredited, truth-tellers marginalized. 

All of this serves to protect the grand deception: that the current world order is natural and immutable, and that the fallen’s control is somehow justified. In reality, it is a house of cards held up by secrecy. The moment the masses see through the illusions, the whole structure will collapse.

Weaponizing Belief Systems and Ideologies

The fallen have also weaponized human belief systems; turning our highest aspirations and deepest identities into tools of control. Religion, which can elevate and unite, has been repeatedly twisted into a means of domination. Throughout history, elites claimed religious authority to legitimize their rule (as in the divine-right monarchies mentioned earlier) and to demand obedience as a religious duty. Dissent was branded heresy or blasphemy. By hijacking spiritual instinct, the fallen made questioning leadership tantamount to questioning Divine. 

In other cases, they fanned sectarian hatreds, inciting wars and persecution in the name of God; all to tighten their grip. Even today we see extremists and hate groups “seek to weaponize religion as a cultural wedge” to divide people, normalizing hatred as divine or patriotic. These are perversions of faith orchestrated to keep humanity from finding common spiritual ground.

Secular ideologies, too, are fair game for the fallen’s manipulation. Nationalism, political party loyalty, even scientific and social theories can be twisted into quasi-religions that demand blind allegiance. Whenever a religion/belief becomes more important than basic compassion or reason, we should be wary. 

The fallen cultivate extreme ideologies and use them to pit factions against each other. The more dogmatic and inflexible people’s beliefs, the easier they are to herd. By imposing rigid belief systems, the hidden rulers channel human energy into infighting and away from challenging the belief system of hierarchy that keeps the fallen on top.

Orchestrating War and Chaos for Profit and Control

Global conflict is perhaps the crudest tool of control; yet one of the most effective for the fallen’s agenda. Wars and strife accomplish many of their objectives at once: instilling fear, creating scarcity, diverting attention, and thinning the herd. Many major wars have shadowy origins and profiteers in the background. 

The fallen have not hesitated to engineer wars, arm both sides of conflicts, or stage provocations (false flags) to ignite violence that suits their aims. A constant state of war or threat of war keeps populations rallying behind “strong” leaders and allows draconian policies in the name of security. 

Meanwhile, a war economy lines the pockets of the elite. As a notable figure once warned, “we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military - industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Indeed, an alliance of arms manufacturers, financiers, and lobbyists has often had more say over war and peace than the people do.

Beyond open warfare, the fallen sow chaos through covert means: sponsoring terrorist groups, fomenting coups, and destabilizing regions that resist their control. Every time nations are thrown into turmoil, the ultimate beneficiaries always seem to be the same cabal of weapons dealers, rebuilding contractors, and bankers; the fallen feeding on the misery. 

Even domestic strife (crime, riots, pandemics) can be cynically exploited to expand surveillance and control. It’s no coincidence that eras of great conflict are followed by leaps in elite power. While soldiers and civilians pay the price in blood, the hidden orchestrators tighten their domination under the guise of “saving” us from the very disasters they facilitate.

The Great Awakening – Exposure of Their Tactics

Humanity, however, is not doomed to this cycle. In recent years, cracks have formed in the fallen’s façade, and their methods are being laid bare for all to see. Thanks to global connectivity and a resurgence of human spirit, we are witnessing an awakening; a mass realization of the “dark truth” behind our manipulated reality. 

Researchers have spoken of a “crisis of trust” in institutions, as people lose faith in long-standing authorities and narratives. It was also observed that the world is suffering a “Trust Deficit Disorder” ; people everywhere “are losing faith in political establishments”. While this alarms the powers that be, it signals that the public is no longer blindly believing the lies.

Scandals and leaks are pouring light into the shadows: corruption in high offices, collusion between governments and corporations, cover-ups of suppressed technologies and knowledge. What used to be dismissed as conspiracy theory is now openly discussed in mainstream discourse as conspiracy fact. Whistleblowers from within the system have bravely exposed how fear, division and deception were manufactured. 

Activists and independent journalists have used the internet to bypass controlled media and share evidence of the fallen’s influence. The result is a growing resistance across the globe. 

Where once the fallen’s control was nearly absolute, now millions are awake to the strings being pulled. They recognize the tactics of fear-mongering and refuse to be scared into submission. They see how society has been divided and are reaching across old lines to heal unity. Crucially, people are reclaiming knowledge; educating themselves and each other outside official channels. 

The more we learn of our true history and potential, the weaker the fallen’s spells become. Each new voice that speaks truth to power, each community that stands together, each innovation that escapes suppression, is another nail in the coffin of the old control matrix.

A Waning Grip: The Fallen in Desperation

As humanity’s awareness grows, the fallen’s energy supply is drying up. These parasitic forces have always thrived on negative energy; the fear, hatred, and despair of a suffering populace. 

(In mystical terms, some have likened them to “Archons” or spiritual parasites that “feed off fear and negative energy”).

Now, with more people choosing love over fear, courage over despair, the fallen find themselves starving. 

Their once-tight grip on the levers of power is slipping, and they are panicking. We can see the evidence: in the increasingly absurd lies they spin, the frantic push for censorship and control of information, and the outright aggression with which they respond to dissent. These are the death throes of an old order that knows its time is almost up.

In their desperation, they may try to “turn up the dial” on their old tricks; inciting new conflicts, conjuring new crises, doubling down on propaganda. But these efforts are backfiring. Each overreach only exposes them further and strengthens the resolve of the awakened. It’s like watching a villain in broad daylight: once invisible, they are now plainly seen, and their once-effective weapons now look like pathetic acts of fear. 

Even many within the ranks of the fallen’s institutions (government workers, military personnel, journalists, etc.) are defecting or quietly sabotaging the oppressive agenda from within. The fallen have maintained control partly by hiding in the shadows; under the spotlight of human awareness, they wither. Their options run out as their lies are unraveled and their servants abandon ship.

Importantly, the sources of external power the fallen relied on; money and technology; are also reaching turning points. The global financial system they built, based on exploitation, is creaking under its own inequities.

Technologically, the more they surveil and repress, the more ingenuity arises in counter-tech and privacy measures. They find themselves in a losing race against human innovation and adaptation. Deprived of the public’s belief and energy, and facing systems that no longer bend to their will, the fallen stand on the brink of total loss of control.

Dawn of a New Age of Freedom

After ages of darkness, a new light is breaking on the horizon. The fallen’s reign, which once seemed unassailable, is coming to an end; and with it, humanity’s long night of spiritual imprisonment. What comes next is our story to write: an era in which people reclaim their freedom as individuals and as a collective. Imagine a world governed by truth, compassion, and unity; where fear is replaced by wisdom, scarcity by abundance, division by community. This is not a utopian fantasy; it is the very future that the fallen have tried so desperately to prevent, now coming to fruition through our awakening.

As their control structures collapse, we will have the chance to build new systems that serve all of humanity, not a select few. Knowledge long suppressed can be released, sparking leaps in science and consciousness. With divisive programming cleared, humans can recognize each other as one family; diverse but united. Resources can be distributed to eliminate hunger and poverty, since the myth of scarcity will no longer justify hoarding. 

Economies can be refocused on well-being and creativity instead of perpetual growth and war. Freed from manipulation, leadership can arise organically from integrity and service. In short, everything that was inverted by the fallen can be set right.

The transition will not be without challenges. There may be turbulence as old institutions fall and the last vestiges of the fallen fight to the bitter end. But their time is truly up. The momentum of awakening is now unstoppable; a tide that is washing away the false edifices of control. Each passing day, more souls break free from fear. Each ticking second, the fallen run out of time and control. Tick. Tock. The clock of their dominion has nearly struck midnight.

In this revealing moment, we must remain vigilant but hopeful. The exposure of dark agendas can be painful, yet it is also liberating. We see the truth of our world and thus can finally change it. The urgency is real; we are the generation with the responsibility to ensure the fallen do not regroup or reinvent themselves. But empowerment is also in the air: billions of hearts are yearning and striving for freedom. 

With knowledge and unity, we cast off our chains (mental, spiritual, economic) and step into our power. The fallen, once the self-appointed masters of mankind, are destined to fall by the very forces they feared most; human courage, love, and enlightenment.

Humanity is poised to ascend from the shadows, claiming our birthright of freedom. The long nightmare of manipulation is ending, and a new age of sovereignty begins. Tick. Tock.


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