Knowing Thyself: The Realization of Our Divinity

Knowing Thyself: The Realization of Our Divinity

Macpherson Kel

For centuries, the greatest secret has been hidden in plain sight. The fallen built entire systems, institutions, and distractions to ensure that humanity never discovered this truth. They have waged wars, burned books, suppressed knowledge, and rewritten history; all to keep beings from realizing who they truly are.

The secret?

You are divine.

Not in the metaphorical sense. Not in the way religions twist it to mean “made in the image of a god” while keeping you powerless. You are divine in the truest, most literal sense. You are not separate from Source; you are an extension of it.

You were never meant to be enslaved, controlled, or bound by illusion. The only reason The Matrix exists, the only reason the fallen have power at all, is because they have convinced people to forget their own divinity.

The process of awakening is not about learning something new; it is about remembering what was always there.

The Great Forgetting: How Humanity Lost Its Divine Identity

At the beginning, all beings were free. There was no hierarchy of rulers and slaves. There were no gods demanding worship, no kings demanding obedience. Every being was a direct conduit of divine intelligence—limitless, free, and self-sustaining.

But then came The Great Deception.

The fallen, having severed themselves from Source, needed to control others in order to survive. They knew they could never enslave truly sovereign beings—so they had to make them forget their sovereignty.

To do this, they constructed a system designed to erase memory, distort perception, and invert truth.

The Layers of the Deception

📌 The Rewriting of History – They destroyed records of past civilizations that knew their divinity. They replaced truth with fabricated myths that enforced control.

📌 The Creation of False Gods – They introduced religions that demanded submission instead of empowerment. Instead of showing the way to Source, these false systems made beings dependent on external authority.

📌 The Manipulation of Birth and Reincarnation – By controlling the reincarnation cycle, they ensured that souls entered each lifetime with no memory of their past or their divine origin.

📌 The Fear-Based Society – They structured reality around survival, struggle, and suffering, ensuring that people were too distracted to seek higher truth.

📌 The Suppression of True Knowledge – They buried, ridiculed, and persecuted those who tried to share the truth. The message of divine sovereignty was corrupted, inverted, and replaced with lies.

The result? Beings forgot they were powerful. They began seeking external validation, authority, and salvation; never realizing that everything they needed was within them all along.

What It Means to “Know Thyself”

The phrase “Know Thyself” is one of the most ancient and powerful teachings in existence. It is not simply self-reflection or understanding your personality; it is the realization of your eternal, divine nature.

📌 To know thyself is to remember that you are not just a physical body, but an infinite consciousness.

📌 To know thyself is to recognize that you are not a creation of gods; you are divine intelligence itself.

📌 To know thyself is to free yourself from all external control, for nothing outside of you holds true authority over your existence.

📌 To know thyself is to remember that you have never been powerless—the illusion just made you believe so.

This is the knowledge that collapses The Matrix.

This is why the fallen fear those who awaken—because the moment you remember your divinity, you are no longer a source of energy for them.

The Signs of Remembering Your Divinity

The journey of awakening follows a pattern. As you begin to remember, you will experience these signs:

1. Questioning Everything

• You no longer accept reality as it was taught to you.

• You begin to see contradictions in history, religion, and society.

• You feel like something is off, but you can’t explain it yet.

2. Breaking the Fear-Based Programming

• You stop being controlled by fear—whether it’s fear of death, rejection, or failure.

• You recognize fear as an illusion designed to keep you compliant.

• You start making choices based on truth, not fear.

3. Shifting from Seeking to Knowing

• Instead of looking for answers externally, you begin to trust your inner intelligence.

• You no longer need religious doctrines, societal approval, or validation from others.

• You feel a deep, unshakable sense of inner truth.

4. Reclaiming Your Creative Power

• You realize that your thoughts and emotions shape reality.

• You stop being a victim of circumstance and become a creator of your own life.

• You experience synchronicities, heightened intuition, and greater control over manifestation.

5. Letting Go of Division & Control

• You no longer see yourself as separate from others.

• You stop engaging in conflicts based on race, religion, ethnicity, beliefs, groups or politics.

• You feel a deep connection to everything in existence.

📌 The final stage of remembering is realizing that you are not “becoming divine”; you always were.

How to Reclaim Your Divinity

1. Unplug from The Matrix – Stop feeding the system with fear, distractions, and illusions. Recognize its tactics and refuse to participate.

2. Reconnect & Align with Source – Spend time in silence, meditation, or nature. The answers do not come from external sources, but from within.

3. Take Full Responsibility – Understand that you are the creator of your experience. No more victim mentality, no more blaming external forces.

4. Remove All False Authorities – No religion, government, or institution has power over you unless you give it to them. Recognize your own freedom.

5. Embody Divine Intelligence – Make every thought, action, and decision from a place of higher awareness. Live as the creator you are.

Why the Fallen Cannot Stop This Awakening

For thousands of years, the deception held strong. The fallen successfully kept humanity asleep, ensuring that people never realized their own divinity.

But now, something is happening that they never prepared for.

More people are remembering. More people are reclaiming their power. More people are walking away from the system.

Every person who awakens weakens The Matrix. Every person who remembers their divinity removes power from the fallen.

This is why they are panicking. This is why control is tightening. The system is running out of energy.

The war was never about money, land, or political power. It was always about energy, consciousness, and awareness.

The moment you know thyself, you are free.

The Matrix was only ever an illusion, and now, it is collapsing.


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