The Matrix: The Fallen Angels’ System for Control

The Matrix: The Fallen Angels’ System for Control

Macpherson Kel

The Origin of the Fallen and the Birth of the Matrix

There was a time when the fallen angels were not fallen, 

(fall: to descend in consciousness)

They were once powerful celestial beings, directly connected to the Source, creating and expanding the universe in harmony with divine intelligence. They were architects of existence, rulers of light, and wielders of boundless power.

But power was never meant to be hoarded. It was meant to flow freely, shared among all beings as an extension and expression of divine creation. The fallen did not see it this way.

They did not want to serve within divine order; they wanted to be gods in their own right. They wanted to create independently outside of the divine will, to shape existence by their own will, without the constraints of divine balance. They saw submission to Source as servitude, not realizing that Source was the very reason they existed at all.

1. Lucifer – The architect of the fall, the first to challenge divine order.

2. Samael – The enforcer, skilled in destruction, responsible for reshaping reality by force.

3. Azazel – The corrupter, the one who taught hidden knowledge to humans, manipulating wisdom into control.

4. Baal – The master of false authority, taking the role of an imposter god to deceive entire civilizations.

5. Mammon – The creator of material enslavement, building the foundation of artificial scarcity and financial control.

6. Belial – The instigator of lawlessness, turning divine freedom into reckless self-destruction.

7. Asmodeus – The manipulator of lust and desire, ensuring that beings remained addicted to lower urges.

8. Abaddon – The lord of the abyss, guardian of suffering, ensuring that the cycle of pain and torment never ceased.

9. Moloch – The harvester of energy, demanding sacrifice and suffering as an offering to sustain the fallen.

10. Beelzebub – The master of deception, weaving illusions so strong that entire civilizations would worship the false as truth.

Lucifer, the most radiant among them, led the rebellion. He convinced others that dependency on the divine was a limitation. He promised self-sovereignty beyond the cosmic laws. He spoke of a new reality where they would no longer be servants but masters, no longer receivers of divine energy but generators of their own power.

The others followed, some out of ambition, some out of curiosity, and others because they were deceived. Samael, Azazel, Baal, Mammon, Belial, Asmodeus, Abaddon, Moloch, and Beelzebub; each of them played a role in what would become the greatest deception ever constructed.

But they made one fatal miscalculation.

By severing themselves from Source, they severed themselves from the infinite flow of divine energy. What they thought would make them gods instead left them powerless. They could not create from nothing, only manipulate what had already been created. They could not self-sustain, only leech energy from those who remained connected to Source.

They became cosmic parasites.

And like all parasites, they needed a host.

Thus, the Matrix was born.

The Construction of the Matrix: A System of Control

The fallen could not openly rule; they lacked the energy to do so. If they were to maintain power, they had to deceive. They needed beings to willingly submit, to surrender their energy voluntarily.

So they built a reality where beings would enslave themselves, convinced they were free.

They engineered an illusion so complete that no one would think to escape it. A system so vast that the mere thought of questioning it would seem absurd.

At its core, the Matrix operates on four fundamental pillars:

1. The Mental Matrix – Controlling Thought

• Knowledge is filtered, rewritten, and repackaged as “education.”

• Religion is weaponized, turning divine wisdom into blind obedience.

• Media floods minds with distractions, ensuring that the system itself is never questioned.

• Lies are repeated until they become truth, and truth is buried under the weight of manufactured narratives.

• Food is tampered with, resulting to calcification which is known to weaken intuition, create mental fog and block the pineal gland's natural function.

2. The Emotional Matrix – Controlling Frequency

• Fear is the primary tool of control. Keep the masses afraid, and they will submit.

• Suffering is normalized, making people accept struggle as part of life.

• Division is created so that beings fight each other instead of uniting against their true oppressors.

• False hope is injected just enough to keep people from revolting but never enough to free them.

3. The Physical Matrix – Controlling Survival

• Money is introduced—not as a means of exchange but as a leash to ensure dependency.

• Scarcity is artificially created, despite the Earth’s natural abundance.

• Governments do not exist to serve; they exist to regulate and control.

• Labor is structured in a way that people spend their entire lives working just to survive.


4. The Spiritual Matrix – Controlling the Soul

• The direct connection to Source is obscured, making people believe they need intermediaries.

• False gods are introduced, demanding worship while feeding off devotion.

• The reincarnation cycle is manipulated, ensuring that souls are trapped in endless loops of forgetting and repeating.

• Divine wisdom is inverted, making enlightenment seem dangerous and rebellion seem noble.

But the Matrix could not function without willing participants.

It needed NPCs.

The NPCs: The Unconscious Participants in the System

Not all beings within the Matrix are conscious players. Some are merely programs.

Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) exist to reinforce the system, to defend it without knowing why. They are the ones who ridicule those who question. They are the ones who police the thoughts of others. They are the ones who believe so deeply in the illusion that they become its gatekeepers.

The fallen do not need to control everyone directly. They only need a critical mass of NPCs to enforce the rules on their behalf.

The tragedy? Many NPCs are not inherently lost souls. They are simply unaware. Trapped in loops of fear, distraction, and programming, they do not realize they are part of the system they defend.

The Abundance of Resources: The Greatest Deception of the Matrix

The Earth is abundant. It always has been.

There has never been a shortage of food, water, energy, or wealth. The fallen introduced artificial scarcity to create dependency.

• Food is wasted by the ton while people starve.

• Energy is restricted while free-energy technology is suppressed.

• Land is hoarded while people remain homeless.

Scarcity is not a natural state—it is a manufactured condition. The moment humanity realizes this, the Matrix collapses.

But the fallen had to take it further.

They not only introduced scarcity, but they also divided people against each other to prevent them from seeing the truth.

The Equality, Oneness, and Connection of All Beings

There is no separation. It has never existed. The illusion of race, class, gender, religion, nationality; all of it was designed to keep beings from recognizing their unity and reinforcing duality.

In divine reality, all beings are connected. The fallen could not allow this knowledge to spread, because unity is the greatest threat to their control. If humanity ever truly united, the Matrix would shatter overnight.

So they introduced conflict.

They turned equality into hierarchy. They took oneness and created division. They took connection and replaced it with isolation.

The result? A world where beings are conditioned to see each other as enemies rather than allies, slaves rather than sovereigns.

But this illusion is failing.

Why the Matrix is Collapsing

For thousands of years, this system remained intact. The deception was so thorough, the programming so deep, that few questioned it. Those who did were ridiculed, silenced, or eliminated.

But now, something is happening that the fallen never prepared for.

The illusion is breaking. The deception is no longer absolute. Too many beings are waking up.

• People are questioning authority.

• People are breaking free from fear.

• People are remembering their divine connection.

• People are refusing to play the game.

The fallen are desperate. Their energy sources are depleting. The once-loyal NPCs are beginning to glitch. The Matrix is crumbling under its own weight.

They have no backup plan. Their only hope is to accelerate control, tighten their grip, and implement their last desperate measures.

But it won’t work.

A system built on deception can only last as long as the deception remains intact. And now? The truth is spreading too fast.

The Matrix is failing.

The fallen are watching their empire collapse.

The prisoners are escaping.

The world they built is dissolving.

And what comes next?

A civilization beyond control. A reality beyond scarcity. A world beyond the illusion of separation.

A world beyond duality.


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