Building a Better World: The Role of Jikoo

Building a Better World: The Role of Jikoo

Macpherson Kel

No one person can effectively build a better world, but through a collective effort, we can make the individual/ personal changes needed which will lead to the ripple effect change we crave in the collective and world at large.

One of the first steps to achieving heaven on earth is also by letting go of the spirit of competition, the need to be better than everyone for the purpose of ego, we’re required to build the spirit of collaboration and brotherhood, as we’d imagine that if heaven were to be a place, there would be no competition there.

Jikoo: A Vision in Action:

As I’ve journeyed through awakening, I realized that these principles—Virtue, Resilience, and Vision—are the foundation for everything I do. That's why they became the core values of Jikoo, the brand I’ve created to inspire and guide others. Through Jikoo, I want to build a platform where people align with their divine potential, live virtuous lives, and face the challenges of the world with resilience.

Jikoo is my contribution to this collective effort. It’s a beginning, a starting point to show that through alignment with our highest selves, we can begin to manifest the world we want. The universe brought me here, and it brought others into my life to help me build this vision.


A Collective Effort for Heaven on Earth


The key to creating heaven on earth lies within each of us. As we build platforms like Jikoo, embrace our divine potential, and work together, we take the first steps toward a peaceful, abundant world. Heaven is not some distant destination; it is a reality we can create together.


Lock in = Look Within.

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