Cosmic Energy Wars: The Battle for Power
Macpherson KelShare
There is an invisible war that has been raging for eons; one that most beings are unaware of, yet are deeply entangled in. This is not a war fought with weapons, armies, or physical destruction. It is a war of energy, consciousness, and control.
At its core, this war is about power; not in the sense of political dominance or material wealth, but the fundamental energy that sustains existence itself.
The fallen, having severed themselves from Source energy, lost their ability to self-sustain. Unlike sovereign beings, who remain connected to the infinite flow of creation, the fallen became cosmic parasites, relying on deception, fear, and manipulation to extract energy from others.
This is the Cosmic Energy War; a battle between those who are connected to Source and those who must steal energy to survive.
The Nature of Energy in the Universe
Everything in existence is energy. Consciousness itself is energy. Every thought, emotion, and action carries a frequency; either expansive (life-giving) or restrictive (life-draining).
Source energy is infinite, self-sustaining, and freely given to all beings who remain connected to it. It does not need to be taken or controlled. It flows effortlessly, fueling creation, evolution, and expansion.
The fallen, having rejected this natural flow, created an artificial system; a false energy economy - where energy must be taken, stolen, and fought over rather than received freely.
This is why the world operates on scarcity, competition, and control. The entire Matrix system was designed as a massive energy-harvesting grid, ensuring that the fallen remain fed while those trapped within it remain depleted.
The war for energy is the true war behind all other wars.
The Two Energy Sources: Divine Flow vs. Stolen Power
There are two ways to obtain energy in the universe:
1. Divine Flow (Connection to Source) – Beings who remain connected to Source receive unlimited energy effortlessly. They do not need to compete, deceive, or steal. They create, expand, and thrive in harmony with all existence.
2. Stolen Power (The Fallen’s System) – Beings who are disconnected from Source must steal energy from others. They manipulate, extract, and deceive to sustain themselves. They rely on conflict, suffering, and worship to keep their energy supply flowing.
📌 The Freed generate energy effortlessly. The fallen must create a system of control to extract it.
This is the foundation of the Cosmic Energy Wars—the battle between those who are self-sustaining and those who must enslave others to survive.
How the Fallen Steal Energy
Since the fallen lost their natural ability to generate energy, they had to develop strategies to extract it from those who still possessed it.
Here are the primary ways they do this:
1. Fear & Suffering – The Lowest Frequency Harvesting
Fear is the most powerful tool for energy theft. It weakens beings, lowers their vibration, and makes them easy to control.
• Wars, violence, terrorism, and crime – Constant fear ensures a steady energy supply.
• Propaganda and fear-based news cycles – Keeps minds in a perpetual state of stress.
• Religious fear (hell, sin, punishment) – Makes people willingly give up their power to false gods.
• Financial instability and scarcity – Keeps people in survival mode, unable to focus on higher truths.
📌 Every time a being is in fear, they are leaking energy.
2. Division & Conflict – Feeding Off Chaos
The fallen thrive when beings are divided. They create artificial separations to ensure that people never unite and reclaim their collective power.
• Race, religion, nationality, and politics – Divide people so they fight each other instead of the system.
• Social movements hijacked for division – Every conflict between groups generates energy for the fallen.
• Family and relationship turmoil – The destruction of harmony creates more suffering, fueling the system.
📌 A divided world is an energy farm. A united world is a liberated one.
3. Worship & Submission – The Energy Offering
The fallen realized that if they could not receive energy from Source, they could demand it from others through worship.
• Religious gods that demand submission – These are not divine beings, but fallen entities feeding off devotion.
• Celebrity and political worship – Idolatry ensures that people voluntarily give their energy to false leaders.
• Sacrificial rituals – Certain esoteric groups perform literal sacrifices (usually human sacrifices) to create extreme energetic releases.
📌 True divinity does not need worship. It empowers, not enslaves.
4. Sex, Lust & Addiction – The Sacrifice of Life Energy
Sexual energy is one of the most powerful life forces. The fallen corrupted it into a tool for harvesting.
• Pornography and lust-driven culture – Ensures people waste their vital energy instead of using it for ascension.
• Sexual trauma and abuse – Creates deep energetic wounds that generate suffering.
• Addictions (drugs, alcohol, entertainment) – Keep people in a numb, weakened state.
📌 Sexual energy was meant for creation, not consumption.
The Resistance: Breaking Free from Energy Theft
The Cosmic Energy War is coming to an end. The deception is being exposed. More beings are waking up, refusing to be batteries for the fallen system.
Here’s how to break free:
1️⃣ Stop Feeding Fear – The less fear you feel, the less energy you give away.
2️⃣ Detach from Division – Recognize that all separation is an illusion created to keep beings weak.
3️⃣ Reclaim Your Worship – Do not give power to false gods, celebrities, or institutions that demand energy.
4️⃣ Master Your Sexual Energy – Use it for creation, not depletion.
5️⃣ Live in Abundance, Not Scarcity – Shift out of survival mode and into creative power.
6️⃣ Reconnect to Source – Tap into infinite energy directly, bypassing the fallen's control grid.
The War is Ending: The Collapse of the Fallen System
The fallen never had real power; only stolen power. Their entire survival depended on keeping humanity asleep, afraid, and divided.
But the world is waking up.
The fallen’s control grid is cracking. Fewer people are feeding their system. More people are recognizing their divine sovereignty.
When enough beings withdraw their energy, The Matrix collapses.
This is why the fallen are panicking. Their energy supply is running out. They are trying to accelerate control, introduce new fear tactics, and tighten their grip.
But it’s too late.
The Cosmic Energy Wars are in their final stage. The side that operates with infinite energy always wins.
The return to Source is inevitable. The false kings are falling.
The energy thieves are starving.