Introduction: The Universe Works in Our Favor and the Power of Creation

Introduction: The Universe Works in Our Favor and the Power of Creation

Macpherson Kel

"Heaven isn't a place, it's a state of being."

What if I told you that heaven isn’t some distant place we wait to reach, but something that can exist right here on Earth—within each of us? Imagine a world where we live in peace, love, and unity, where we're not just surviving, but thriving, both spiritually and physically. Is that possible? Could we, in fact, create heaven on earth?

Today, I want to talk about how we can manifest this reality—about how each of us holds the power to create heaven right here, right now. We’ll explore insights from spiritual teachings, universal laws, and timeless wisdom, looking specifically at how we, as a generation, can shape the future. And for me, this journey started with understanding how the universe works in our favor, always guiding us toward our highest potential—even if the path is not always as we expect.

The Universe Works in Our Favor:

One of the most profound truths I’ve come to understand is that the universe is always working in our favor. Whatever we want, it is willing to give to us—but not always in the way we think. The universe doesn’t just hand us what we want on a silver platter; instead, it provides us with a path—a step-by-step journey. Each step along the way, the universe offers us guidance in the form of intuitive hits, downloads, and insights. Some people call this guidance our ancestors, spirit guides, or higher selves communicating with us. These small nudges aren’t random—they’re carefully placed on our path, helping us align with our desires and preparing us for the bigger rewards waiting at the end.

As you go along your path, there may be some stages where you’d feel stuck, but realistically, we’re never stuck, what I’ve come to understand is that the journey is step by step, action by action, usually when we face obstacles, that is often times the right way. There’s a saying, “the magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding”, that means we’re not to skip any steps, we must go through the path. Activities like daily meditations and yoga can also be good recommendations, as they help us connect to the divine and give us downloads or insights for the next step.

The journey doesn’t require anything to begin, asides the will to start, once you make that decision, the universe creates the path. Think of it like a Movie series, at the end of each episode, the universe gives us downloads, insights or resources to advance to the next stage.

When I started building Jikoo, I set out with three core values: Virtue, Resilience, and Vision. I thought these values would lead me smoothly to success, but what I didn’t anticipate was how the universe would test me in each of these areas.

Virtue was tested when I was faced with moral dilemmas that forced me to hold fast to my integrity.

Resilience was tested through real-world challenges, obstacles, and moments of failure, all of which required me to grow stronger, push through discomfort, and keep moving forward.

Vision was tested when the universe stretched my ideas of what was possible, challenging me not to limit myself and encouraging me to think bigger, to think beyond the limitations of the present moment.

Each of these steps, no matter how challenging, was a download in disguise—a lesson preparing me for what was to come. And this is the way the universe works for all of us. The path is not always easy or straightforward, but everything is possible—if we’re willing to follow the guidance and go all the way to the end. Very few people make it to the final step, and that's why not everyone experiences the true potential the universe has to offer. But those who trust the process and keep going, step by step, receive everything they asked for.

The universe has a way of using life’s experiences—good or bad—to shape us into the people we need to become in order to fulfill our purpose. It doesn’t just give us what we want, but what we need to evolve, to step into our divine potential.

The Universe Brings People into Our Lives for a Purpose:

Another powerful realization is that the universe doesn’t work alone—it brings people into our lives to help us fulfill our highest purpose. Whether they are mentors, supporters, or challengers, the people we meet and the relationships we build are all part of the grand design. Sometimes, these connections feel serendipitous, but they are always aligned with the greater good—the collective awakening.

In my journey with Jikoo, I’ve been blessed to meet incredible people who’ve played pivotal roles in my growth. Each person brought something necessary to the table, whether it was expertise, insight, or challenges that helped me refine my vision and approach. The universe uses others to carry out its deeds, guiding us toward what we need to achieve in service of the greater good.

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