The Ladder of Consciousness: Escaping the Illusion

The Ladder of Consciousness: Escaping the Illusion

Macpherson Kel

The Divine Hierarchy: Identifying Humans & Non-Physical Beings


The divine hierarchy is categorized into two parts:


🔹 Non-Physical Beings (Pure Consciousness, No Physical Vessel)

1. The Source – Infinite Divine Intelligence

2. The Primordial Architects – The Divine Creators

3. The Supreme Beings – The Embodied Divine Masters (can take form but do not require a physical vessel)

4. The Angelic Orders – The Guardians & Messengers (exist in higher dimensions, can manifest but are not bound by physicality)

• The Seraphim

• The Cherubim

• The Thrones

• The Dominions

• The Virtues

• The Powers

• The Principalities

• The Archangels

• The Guardian Angels

🔹 Humans (Bound to a Physical Vessel, But With Different Levels of Awareness)

5. The Freed – The Fully Awakened Humans (transcended The Matrix, but still in physical form)

6. The Awakened – Those Climbing the Ladder of Consciousness (aware and actively breaking free)

7. The Sleepers – The Unawakened but Searching (questioning but still trapped)

8. The NPCs – The Programmed and Compliant (fully asleep, reinforcing the system)

📌 Humans can ascend to higher states of being, but until they do, they remain in physical form.

📌 Some higher beings choose to incarnate as humans to assist in the awakening process.

📌 The Freed Beings, though still human, are beyond the reach of the fallen’s system.

The Fallen’s Artificial Hierarchy (The Matrix System)

1. False “Gods” – The Fallen Angels/Rulers of the Matrix

2. The Hidden Elite – The Highest Human-Level Controllers

3. Governments & Institutions – The Enforcers of Control

4. Media & Religion – The Mind Manipulators

5. The Economic System – The Illusion of Scarcity

6. The NPCs – The Unconscious Defenders of the System

7. The Sleepers – The Potentially Awakened but Trapped

The Levels of Consciousness: The Path to Divine Sovereignty

🔻 LOWER LEVELS (Trapped in The Matrix – Disconnected from Source)

1. The Unconscious – The Lost & Trapped (Lowest Level)

• Fully asleep, controlled by fear, survival, and manipulation.

• Believe the physical world is the only reality.

• Blindly obey authority and attack those who question.

• Act as energy sources for the fallen.

2. The Sleepers  – Programmed but doubting 

• Sense something is wrong but are afraid to question too deeply.

• Struggle with cognitive dissonance—caught between illusion and truth.

• Vulnerable to distractions, false awakenings, and controlled opposition.

• At a crossroads: They will either awaken or fall back into unconsciousness.

🔸 MIDDLE LEVELS (Escaping the Illusion – Seeking Truth)

3.  The Awakening – Seeing Through the Illusion

• Begin to recognize the deception and reject the false system.

• Question all narratives and start seeking deeper knowledge.

• Experience internal conflict—fear vs. truth, comfort vs. freedom.

• Actively trying to detach from The Matrix but still struggling with programming.

4. The Freed – Mastering Energy & Perception

• No longer seek approval, validation, or guidance from external systems.

• Reconnect directly to Source, drawing energy from infinite creation.

• Master the ability to shape their own reality.

• Immune to fear, manipulation, and external control.

HIGHER LEVELS (Beyond The Matrix – Fully Connected to Source)

5. The Transcendent – Beyond The Matrix

• No longer bound by duality, suffering, or illusion.

• Exist in complete harmony with Source and divine intelligence.

• Fully understand and embody the nature of reality.

• No longer participate in The Matrix at any level.

6. The Divine Architect – Co-Creator of Reality

• Create new worlds, dimensions, and civilizations aligned with divine will.

• Exist beyond time and space, capable of manifesting at will.

• Guide others on their path without interference or control.

• Act as builders of higher realms and realities.

7. The Infinite – One with Source (Highest Level) ♾️

• Have merged completely back into divine intelligence.

• No longer experience separation in any form.

• Pure expansion, pure awareness, pure creation.

• Beyond all hierarchies, beyond all limitations.

The Ascent: Climbing the Ladder of Consciousness

📌 Step 1: Realize You’re in a System – The first step is becoming aware that The Matrix exists. If you don’t know you’re trapped, you won’t try to escape.

📌 Step 2: Stop Giving It Your Energy – Fear, suffering, and distraction feed the system. The more you detach from negativity and manipulation, the less control it has over you.

📌 Step 3: Reconnect with Your True Power – The Matrix makes you believe power comes from outside sources (money, approval, authority). In reality, power comes from within; through direct connection with Source.

📌 Step 4: Take Back Control Over Your Mind and Emotions – No longer let fear, guilt, or doubt dictate your reality. Choose your own thoughts, beliefs, and actions based on truth, not programming.

📌 Step 5: Move Beyond Division – The Matrix thrives on separation (race, religion, politics, etc.), but true reality is unity. When you see through the illusion of division, you free yourself from it.

📌 Step 6: Live as a Creator, Not a Slave – Once you’re free, you stop reacting to the world and start shaping it. You become the architect of your own life, aligned with divine creation.

Final Truth: The System Can’t Control Those Who Don’t Play the Game

The Matrix was built on deception. The more people wake up, the weaker it gets. The goal is not just to escape, but to transcend it completely and build a reality beyond its control.

Free yourself.


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